Sunday, February 20, 2011

to the rescue

This cupcake is a rescue dog all the way from Alabama!

And this cuddly one came from Massachusetts to visit sis!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

happy birthday brody boy!

Brody is 1 year old today! Here he is last April as a tiny puppy soon after he arrived home for the very first time. Eat some cake Bro!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

nowhere to go

Because of the large piles of snow lining the pathways and the icy topcoat covering previously open lawns, this little guy had nowhere to go. Despite attempts to get past the ice and slush, his mom thought it best to keep him on the paths in the CFA.

wesPETS apologizes for our severe decline in posts this semester. The ice and snow don't make for great pet-walking conditions, and the pupulation around campus has gone inside. We are, however, working hard to bring you more exciting indoor pets. Keep wagging those tails!