Sunday, October 31, 2010

halloweekend edition

This Halloween weekend went to the dogs. We met some new friends at Long Lane Farm's Pumpkin Fest on Saturday and even got an exclusive interview with French Bulldog, Molly Heyrman.

Pictured with her sister, Charlotte (left).
WP: What's your favorite snack?
MH: Carrots

WP: Do you like it here at Wesleyan?
MH: I love Wesleyan. When I was in the car yesterday, I perked-up upon entering Middletown. I was so excited to be here.

WP: What's your beauty product of choice?
MH: I do have some dandruff, so I am a proponent of Head and Shoulders.

WP: How old are you?
MH: 10 years old.

Thank you Molly and Charlotte

Also enjoying the fall festivities was Louis.

 Faisal found this little guy hiding from the sun's rays, or yesterday's crowds.

Monday, October 25, 2010

freddie mercury

This afternoon Faisal met the adorable Freddie who dressed in his finest matching accessories.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

homecoming/pets weekend

This weekend was Homecoming and Family weekend, so you know what that means...tons o' dogs on campus! Although we didn't get any interviews, we did manage to take a few shots of the furry family members.

Just sippin' on a hot coffee in the sun outside Pi Cafe.

Scotty snipped snapped a close-up of this fellow's tail.

Out past his bedtime at a party on Warren.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

an anonymous visitor

Andrew spotted this cutie getting back into the car after a long day.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

a walk in the...campus?

I am constantly curious about the dogs and other pets I see on campus. Who are they? Why are they here? Well wesPETS is here to figure it all out for you other eager animal-lovers. Whether it's a local walking his dog or a Freshman with a fish, wesPETS is on it. So, enjoy the cuteness!


He's not quite a wesPET, but he is my pet. A 7-month old Welsh Terrier, Brody. With a pumpkin. Festive.